Introduction to Gregorian Chant

Introduction to Gregorian Chant

Course Aims
To provide the necessary knowledge and tools to access our specific exercise sessions and our more advanced courses

Learning framework
Chants from the Graduale Simplex, Graduale Triplex and the Hartker antiphonary will be analyzed throughout the course

The students will be introduced to the first steps in the study of Gregorian Chant with the aid of schematic slides, supporting pictures, listening sessions on specific features and examples described in class alongside with suggested readings.

Topics and exercise sessions
Our proposed learning path will follow these steps:
1- Basics on tetragrams and Vatican (square) notation
• Exercise session: analysis of chants in square notation
2- Forms and styles of Gregorian chant
• Exercise session: stylistic analysis of selected chants in the Gregorian repertory
3- Structure of the two main adiastematic notations (Gallican and Messine): from monosonic to trisonic neumes. An introduction to neums with specific phrasing values (i.e. those containing an oriscus or a quilisma) and to the phenomenon of liquescence. Basics on tones and modes.
• Exercise session: some easy exercises on “backwards semiology” and on how to search the main adiastematic manuscripts
4- The texts of Gregorian chant
• Exercise session: the students will learn how to identify the different types of textual interventions and nhow to search the Antiphonale Missarum Sextuplex
5- Elements of rhetoric within the chant
• rhetorical analysis of selected office antiphons

Docente: Luca Buzzavi

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